Paralysis Ticks Are Still A Problem for Cairns Pets
Cairns Pets are at greatest risk of tick paralysis from June to December, with August being a peak
paralysis tick season. However, the last couple of years have been atypical due to unusual weather patterns. 2010 was overall too wet for ticks, and 2011 has really been a bit too dry.
Paralysis ticks seem to thrive best and poison more pets when the weather is warm, and not too wet: partly this may reflect wildlife like bandicoots coming into the same habitat as pets and vice versa: eg in dry weather bandicoots often come into people's yards to dig for food in gardens and lawns.
Cairns Pet Tick paralysis cases often surge in the week after rainfall: perhaps some rain triggers the ticks to hatch or mature.
Tick Paralysis occurs several days after a tick has attached to a pet, and can cause difficulty breathing, weakness, wobbliness, coughing, vomiting and death.
All this means that the next week or so could be a high risk time for tick paralysis: check your pet regularly and use a preventative product as recommended by your vet.
Search Your Pet Daily for Paralysis Ticks: no Preventative works 100% of the time.
Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) has done a Press Release to warn owners of the risk of tick paralysis to their pets: this is geared at a south-east Australian audience but still has valid points for Tick Paralysis in Cairns Pets.

“Ticks release a toxin when they feed, which leads to a condition known as tick paralysis. Common signs of tick paralysis include gurgling and choking. Dogs will often be unable to bark properly due to paralysis of the throat,” said Dr Wilson.
“Other animals may start to cough when eating or drinking, or may cough up water or food. Some animals may also have trouble breathing. It’s vital to take action immediately if you notice any of these symptoms,” she said.
Ideally pet owners should check dogs and cats daily if they live in tick-prone areas. This is most usefully done by running your hands over the animal to feel for anything unusual. In cats ticks often latch on around the back of the neck where they cannot groom, so it’s important to pay special attention to this area.
“Even if you find and remove a tick it’s important to keep an eye on your pet as they can be affected by the toxin for up to 24 hours after removal,” said Dr Wilson.
Your local vet can give further advice on effective trick prevention products and ways to remove ticks. If you have any concerns about a pet you should contact your local vet for advice.
For further information and requests for interviews contact:
Jacob O’Shaughnessy, Media Relations Manager
Ph: 02 9431 5062 or 0439 628 898
The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is the national professional association of veterinary surgeons in Australia. Founded in 1921, the AVA today represents 5000 members working in all areas of animal science, health and welfare.
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