Cairns Vet Clinic takes many calls every week from pet owners who have lost their furry friends. We also get stray dogs, cats and birds brought in regularly. In many cases, we cannot locate the owner and need to refer the pet to the council pound or RSPCA shelter. Some of these animals remain unclaimed and are euthanased.
For this reason its vital you microchip your pet. Even indoor pets can escape and be lost. In the event your pet is lost or injured this can mean the difference between life and death. Pets should also wear a collar with their name and you contact details and be registered with your local council.
Microchipping costs around $50 and is quick and easy. If you ever move home or change contact details, its important you keep those updated.
What should you do if you have lost your pet? There are some vital contact points.
- Call your local vets: many people take lost pets to the vet to be scanned for a microchip, and may phone to report pets they have found
- Call the council pound.
- Check the council pound website. In fact, check it out now and see all the pets whose owners didn't bother to microchip, tag and register their pets and are now effectively on death row. While some of these animals are strays and effectively unowned, many were pets yesterday but now facing an uncertain future.
- Call Local animal shelters: in Cairns this includes RSPCA and YAPS
- Call Local or Community service radio stations (such as 4CA radio in Cairns)
- Put up notices in your local area. Sometimes your pet may have been found by a neighbour or someone nearby.
- Use facebook. Eg. the Lost and found pets in Cairns page
- Remember if you find your pet to take down any notices and advise anyone you have notified. If you leave them up, people soon start to ignore them and they are less effective in future.
Now ring thought, here are the animals currently at Cairns City Council pound at the time of writing. While council officers try to rehome pets through local shelters like RSPCA or YAPS, these are often very full and many thousands of pets are put down around Australia every year. Don't let your pet be one of them.
Cairns Vet Clinic
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 12/10/2 | 11:04 AM | Location Found: | Peever RD BABINDA | Description of Animal: | Female tabby cat | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308762 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 15/10/2010 | 09:49 AM | Location Found: | Peever RD BABINDA | Description of Animal: | Female Tort Cat | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308770 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 15/10/2010 | 10:12 AM | Location Found: | Sidlaw ST SMITHFIELD | Description of Animal: | Ginger cat, female desexed, large | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308771 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 16/10/2010 | 07:54 AM | Location Found: | Lissner CRES EARLVILLE | Description of Animal: | Large male wolfhound x wearing brown collar | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308779 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 16/10/2010 | 09:15 AM | Location Found: | Grantala ST MANOORA | Description of Animal: | Male entire, young ginger cat friendly | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308780 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 17/10/2010 | 07:30 AM | Location Found: | Tiffany ST WHITE ROCK | Description of Animal: | Female bull arab x wearing black collar | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308781 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 17/10/2010 | 01:10 PM | Location Found: | McCoombe ST MANOORA | Description of Animal: | Female kelpie x | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308783 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 18/10/2010 | 10:02 AM | Location Found: | Armbrust ST MANOORA | Description of Animal: | female entire no id cattle x | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308784 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 18/10/2010 | 10:09 AM | Location Found: | Spence ST BUNGALOW | Description of Animal: | female entire | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308785 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 19/10/2010 | 11:14 AM | Location Found: | Peever RD BABINDA | Description of Animal: | Tan and with white chest | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308787 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 19/10/2010 | 11:13 AM | Location Found: | Peever RD BABINDA | Description of Animal: | Ginger and white cat | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308788 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 19/10/2010 | 04:34 PM | Location Found: | Supply RD BENTLEY PARK | Description of Animal: | Male Tan Ridgeback X | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308789 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 21/10/2010 | 12:07 PM | Location Found: | Norman ST GORDONVALE | Description of Animal: | Male Foxie X with collar | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308798 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 21/10/2010 | 02:22 PM | Location Found: | Mt Peter RD EDMONTON | Description of Animal: | Female Entire Staffy. White with no collar | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308799 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 22/10/2010 | 11:58 AM | Location Found: | Robert RD EDMONTON | Description of Animal: | Female Tabby cat | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308801 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 22/10/2010 | 01:41 PM | Location Found: | Murray ST MANOORA | Description of Animal: | Female BullArab Pup. White and Tan | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308806 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 23/10/2010 | 02:09 PM | Location Found: | Callum ST MOOROOBOOL | Description of Animal: | Female Great Dane X with pink collar | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308807 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 25/10/2010 | 09:50 AM | Location Found: | Australis CL EDMONTON | Description of Animal: | Male Pug. Black | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308812 | |
 | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 25/10/2010 | 11:22 AM | Location Found: | Avoch CT EDMONTON | Description of Animal: | Female Desexed Staffy with collar | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308813 | |
.JPG) | Date Impounded: | Time Impounded: | 26/10/2010 | 10:05 AM | Location Found: | Alchera DR MOSSMAN | Description of Animal: | Male, entire, tan, mixed breed, some mange, young | Contact: 4044 3044 and quote CCC ID No. 308887 | |
To release an animal from Council’s pound you will be required to:
- Provide officers with satisfactory proof of your identity (eg drivers licence).
- Pay all impoundment fees owing. Impoundment fees are calculated on a daily basis
- Provide proof of current animal registration if applicable. If proof of registration is not provided, registration fees will be required to be paid in addition to impoundment fees.
Collection times at Council’s pound located at145 - 161 McCoombe Street, Bungalow are 5.00pm-5.30pm Weekdays, and 2.00pm-2.30pm Weekends and Public Holidays, or by contacting Mossman Office, Front Street, Mossman on telephone 4099 9444.
Payment may be made at Cairns Regional Council's Customer Service Centre 119-145 Spence Street, Cairns, Smithfield Library or Earlville Library Mossman Office during normal business hours prior to collection of the animal. EFTPOS and credit card facilities are available at these locations. Please show your receipt when collecting the animal. Payments taken at the pound are strictly cash only.
View more information on responsible pet ownership from Council's Animal Management Unit.
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