Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Avoiding problems when one dog goes to the vet but the other stays at home.

Cairns Vet Clinic has some dogs that LOVE coming to the vet, and others that need to be dragged through the door.  There are lots of things we can do to make the trip more fun for pets, such as coming to the vets just for a weigh-in or while buying worm tablets (with nothing bad happening to the pet... just a pat and a treat) and rewarding your pet throughout the experience.
But what about the pets which stay at home... occasionally they may have extreme reactions toward their house-mate who comes back from the vet smelling of other animals and chemicals etc.
A lot of people avoid this problem by taking both (or more) pets to the vet.  Cairns Vet Clinic actually offers a discount when 2 or more animals are consulted or vaccinated at once so this has further benefits.
It also helps avoid unwanted behavior like fear or aggression when one pet returns from the vet.
Another way you can deal with this is taking the dog which went to the vet to the park or for a bath as well, to get rid of some of those animal smells.
Taking both dogs for a walk and play afterward can also be helpful.  Feeding the dogs as soon as you arrive home is not advised though, as the dog which stayed at home may be more possessive of its food and territory.
Dallas McMillan
Read Cairns Vet pet advice and Pet news on the web.

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