Dallas McMillan
Cairns Vet Clinic
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Read Cairns Vet warns of virus risks from sick bats
- From: Cairns Post
- November 09, 2010

TOXIC FEARS: A virus may be responsible for causing deformities in bats living in a colony near a Cairns library. Source: The Daily Telegraph
A VIRUS may be causing deformities in more than 100 newborn bats living in a colony near the Cairns library, a vet says.
The State Government and CSIRO are investigating why spectacled flying foxes with deformities such as cleft palates and twisted limbs have been found near the city's library colony since the start of the year.
Dallas McMillan, a veterinarian at the Cairns Vet Clinic, said some viral infections in animals could cause birth defects and abortion. "When you get a big outbreak like that, often it is an infection or an environmental toxin," Dr McMillan said.Read more at www.cairns.com.au.
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