Overweight dogs struggle in the Cairns summer: the heat and humidity means its hard for them to exercise, so they often get even fatter!
Bring your pet down for regular weigh ins and commit to a diet and exercise program now before its just too hot!Sadly, many owners leave making real changes to their pet's health till its too late and their pets become morbidly obese. This has major impacts on their health, increasing the incidence, severity and speed of onset of many diseases like arthritis, heart disease and diabetes. RSPCA has even had to seize dogs from owners who have fed them to within inches of their lives:Read about.....Obese pets on fitness trail by Gavin King From: The Sunday Mail (Qld), April 25, 2010

Dr Meredith Brothers puts fat animals on weight loss programs...."Mimi" a Bichon Frise , "Dash" a Mini Schnauzer and "Alice" a Border Collie. Pic: Jamie Hanson Source: The Sunday Mail (Qld)
RSPCA Queensland is issuing more fines and animal welfare orders to owners of morbidly obese pets, with dozens of the animals seized.
Queensland vets are warning of a pet obesity epidemic, with rising cases of heart disease, pancreatitis and diabetes.
Vets are launching Biggest Loser-style weight-loss programs and training staff in pet fitness and diet plans.
North Brisbane's Wilston Vet owner Meredith Brothers has launched the Pet Slimmer of the Year competition, with the owner of the winning pet to be given travel vouchers and pet food.
"I am concerned . . . because the risk of serious disease and early death is a real danger."
"One client would give his dog a McDonalds burger," she said.
Many pet owners were in denial about their pet's weight problem, particularly those owners who themselves were overweight, she said
Dr Dallas McMillan from Cairns Vet Surgery, where staff run pet weight-loss programs, said he had treated overweight birds and rats.
"Keeping their weight down is probably the most important thing you can do," he said. RSPCA spokesman Michael Beattie said obese dogs were a big problem, especially in summer. "There's a very real danger of the pet succumbing to heat stress or having a heart attack."
A Brisbane pet owner said she had no idea her miniature schnauzer Dash was overweight.
"It wasn't until we found out he was a few too many kilos over his ideal weight that we entered him into Wilston Vet's weight-loss competition."
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